Sunday, June 7, 2009

We are doing well, fulfilled in the culmination of yet another very rewarding medical mission.

Dr. Gregg Terral joined us for the third time.He brought Lori, his wife and their four children: Carter a sophomore at Auburn, Blake a senior at Fairhope High, Hayden and Elise. They had a great exposure to Ecuadorian coastal culture and more importantly to medical missions. 

Carter and Blake participated in the surgeries while Lori, Hayden and Elise spent time with families and children in the waiting room. They played games and demonstrated God's love by giving their love and investing their time. They left today and we miss them already.

The last surgical case yesterday was to correct a great toe deformity for a little boy. This was a meticulous surgery and one that required study and preparation. God answered our prayers for guidance. (the procedure went smoothly and the results are remarkable) Below are the photos before and after the correction.
While yesterday was our last surgical day, we still have work to do. Tomorrow we will meet with the Board of CAS, the health ministry of the church, to further develop policies and procedures for the "La Vida surgery Center" and our joint ministry. Construction of the surgery center is coming along well and we have 24 patients on a waiting list for joint replacements. It is wonderful to be able to give patients hope regarding their painful joints knowing that we will soon be able to really help them! The scheduled date for completion is November 2009!
Thank you for your prayers and support of Bayside Medical Missions' Ecuador Project. 

In Him,
Flor and Paul Fellers